Usage Statement
Custom Built Plastic Pallets®, manufactured by Jifram Extrusions, Inc., are intended to work in applications where a plastic pallet would typically and reasonably function.
Our pallets are made with recycled materials and are best suited for indoor environments; however, for a limited amount of time, they can be used outdoors.
Unless our pallets have been previously tested in these settings, they may not be suitable for use in a refrigerated room, freezer, or extreme heat/steam rooms.
The bases of our pallets must be supported when used in a racking system.
Our pallets are non-returnable and non-refundable.
Before placing any of our pallets into service, we encourage you to test them. At NO CHARGE, Custom Built Plastic Pallets® will provide you with one to test. You will, however, be responsible for any and all shipping charges.
Jifram Extrusions, Inc. warrants that products manufactured by Jifram Extrusions, Inc., when properly used and maintained, will be free from defects in material and workmanship.
At Jifram Extrusions, Inc.’s option, products proven to be defective in material or workmanship will be replaced within sixty (60) days of delivery, provided that purchaser gives Jifram Extrusions, Inc. prompt notice of any defect or failure and satisfactory proof thereof.
For complete details, click here to read our terms and conditions.